Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh My My My

Today was not the best of days. I worked mostly. I went to work at the BN (Barnes and Noble) and was there for nine hours and my co-workers were just driving me bonkers! EEK! Work was just no fun because I didn't get very much sleep last night because I haven't been feeling very good....and I'm trying not to pop pills. Haha. So anyways I got up early and left and I couldn't see out of the freaking windshield. It was parked out on the driveway instead of the garage the other day, don't ask me why, and the sprinklers turned on so all the hard water hit the windows and won't come off when i turn the wipers on. Lame Sauce!

After work was pretty good though. At least for awhile. I went to my friend Alayna's house because our friend Eddie is going away to college in like Michigan or Minnesota of something like that so we all went there to eat and say our goodbyes. And of course I couldn't get out of work, So I got there at like 6:15 and Alayna had to be at the summit by seven so yeah. It was fun though. We ate and played catch phrase. Oh how I love that game. I'll kick your trash!

But when I got home from fun at all. I showered and fell asleep on my pillow with soaking wet hair, so now my pillow is all drenched. :( and none of my friends can hang out. More Lame Sauce.

On a happier note...I gave my two weeks at the BN because I got offered a job at Stapley Pharmacy. I'm going to be like half delivery driver half clerk. It will be better with school and everything. I hope. Keeping my fingers crossed. So yes that does mean I will be working with my mother. We'll see how that goes. Cough Cough.

Well I'm off to bed because I'm bored and there is nothing to do in this town. Night.


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