Thursday, July 31, 2008

Logans Eagle Project

Yesterday I went up to Veyo with Cory's family for his brother Logan's Eagle Project. I told them my job would be to "take pictures" so they could count my hours. Haha. The pictures are on four different cameras. Talk about variety. I had to throw some photography skills in there from my class. Haha.
For his project, they fixed up the ball field and the sand volleyball pit at the Veyo City Park. It was hot out but definately not as hot as the STG. (St. George) Plus we got cookies, chips and rootbeer floats so what is better than that?
After the project we drove home and I went to Leavitt's house. We watched tv and then ate Fettucine Alfredo for dinner. One of my personal I told Cory we were staying. Hehe. Anyways that we played 21...aka Black Jack for you table players out there. His mom and dad were trying to teach us how to play at a table. I just try to get to 21. Haha. But if they dealer has a low card you stay or something hoping that they will bust.
Then we just talked for awhile until my mom called so I had to go home. It was almost eleven p.m. and I was worn out but I couldn't fall asleep so I turned on Greys Anatomy (another personal favorite) and I watched that until just after two a.m. That is usually when I go to bed anyways. So yeah that was my day yesterday. Here are some of the pictures from Logan's Eagle.


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