Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mike and Summers Wedding!

So lets see... last Thursday (the 24th) my brother Mike and my new sister Summer were married in Vegas! Woot Woot. It was a fun time. I got to go shopping :) Anyways back to the wedding. It was at this place in Vegas and we had to go up and take pictures and the guy was talking all funny. Like you go here and you go there, lean back, lean forward. You picking up what I'm laying down? Good.

Well anyways after the whole ceremony thing, which I couldn't see very well because of the post (see picture below) they all went to get at some italian place in Treasure Island that is supposed to be super yummy, but my mom wouldn't let me go because my sister was and has been on a rampage to basically kill me or make my life a living H E Double Hockey Sticks. So, I just went home after the wedding with Cory. But I had fun. I just need to do some more shopping! :)

Summer and Michael....

Yay Mike and Summer!

Date and Time

The Stupid Post was in the Way of Everything :(


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